A Sciences

My Sciences Jurnals

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Myron Ebell, Evil Arch Climate Uber Villain [Stoat]

It has been drawn to my attention that Myron Ebell will be Mr. Trump’s lead agent in choosing personnel and setting the direction of the fe...

Does supermoon have super effect on us?

Image courtesy of Jim Fisher. The term supermoon denotes a new or full moon that occurs at roughly the same time the moon is nearest Earth ...

2016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #46

A chronological listing of the news articles posted on the Skeptical Science Facebook page during the past week. Sun Nov 6, 2016 Opinion: A...

Safety Pins [Greg Laden's Blog]

OK, lets start out with the assumption that it does not matter who you or anyone else supported in the last election or what your politics a...

Ask Ethan: What if gravity isn’t really fundamental? (Synopsis) [Starts With A Bang]

“The whole edifice of modern physics is built up on the fundamental hypothesis of the atomic or molecular constitution of matter.” -C. V. Ra...

Reflections on Matter and Interactions [Uncertain Principles]

I’m teaching introductory mechanics for the umpteenth time, using the Matter and Interactions curriculum , as we have for a while. This is g...

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges [Stoat]

Or, The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government . From Tacitus , Annals . I wanted to say something about the Trump victory...